Tuesday Tips: How to Maximize Your MIBF Experience

Posted: September 13, 2011 in Tuesday Tips for Writers

Here are some tips we’ve gathered over the years of being both participants and shoppers at the Manila International Book Fair so you can truly maximize your MIBF experience

Ladies, don’t wear heels. Guys, don’t wear tight leather shoes

The sheer size of the SMX Convention Center is not conducive to wearing shoes that are uncomfortable or can actually hurt you. So for feet’s sake as you go around all the booths, wear your most comfy shoes.

Plan your route around SMX

It’s easy to get lost and confused with over a hundred different exhibitors so to make the most out of your time, make a list of all the booths you want to visit (hope we’re included in your list 😛 ), get a venue map at the entrance so you can navigate your way through all your favorite publishers. But be prepared to be sidetracked (it always happens) so….

Take your time, there’s no race (unless there is an actual contest by one of the exhibitors)

One hour is too short to spend at the MIBF. So you have to set aside at least 2 hours or more, if you’re a book addict or if you just want to savor the atmosphere of being surrounded by all those books and book lovers

Bring recyclable bags or a trolley

We want to do our part in reducing the use of plastic and since you probably are going to buy lots of books, better use environmentally friendly (and back friendly) carriers. Some exhibitors (us included) give away non-woven bags so don’t worry if you don’t have any.

Set a budget (and try to keep within it)

It’s very easy to get carried away with all the great deals by the different exhibitors. So if you’re concerned with spending too much, set a budget for yourself and try very hard to not go beyond it. You don’t want to spend the next few weeks eating skyflakes for lunch.

Be prepared to run into people

Chances are, since you are a book lover, you have book fiends friends too! So the MIBF is like a mini-reunion for old friends, classmates, ex-officemates, relatives, acquaintances. So be prepared to go through a lot of “Wow, you’re here! How are you?” moments

Be there on the first day

The first day is the best time to go to the MIBF, if you’re looking for less crowds and more sale pile books. Some booths don’t replenish their sale piles so by the end of the first day, the best of the lot is usually gone.

Be there on the last day

A lot of exhibitors bring down book prices especially in the last few hours, so watch out for all these last-minute bargains. Be warned: the crowds get extra crazy on the last day

You can find more than just books at the MIBF

Yes it is a book fair, but there are also seminars, activities, concerts, games, promos and the occasional “why do they have a booth in a book fair” booths, so you can bring along friends and family members who are not necessarily book lovers. Chances are, they would find something else to do. And who knows, they might even be converted into being bookworms!

Hope you enjoy this year’s Manila International Book Fair

(Oh, and if you want to know why you should visit the OMF Lit Booth, we give you 11 reasons here!)

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